Blackout Glass and its 5 Key Applications


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Sep 12, 2023

Blackout Glass and its 5 Key Applications

Date: 22 September 2017 Two other states are available in the form of both

Date: 22 September 2017

Two other states are available in the form of both opaque and solar-tinted. Blackout glass works through the application of a current to the switchable glass panels which enables users to alter the appearance of the glass.

The following guide outlines some of the main applications for blackout glass, from skyscrapers and hospitals, to home cinemas.

Blackout glass is ideal for hospitals, with a range of applications that improve patient privacy and the functionality of rooms within the hospital.

Operating Theaters

Some hospitals have operating theaters that include attached viewing rooms. Patients might not always want such rooms to be used, thus preferring that their procedure remains private. With a switchable glass solution such as blackout glass, hospital staff can cater to patient requests without the need for potentially infection-carrying blinds or curtains.

Additionally, adjustable smart glass offers doctors the opportunity to selectively alter the appearance of the electric glass to teach medical students about important stages of certain procedures, while also preserving patient privacy.

X-ray Rooms and Laboratories

Total darkness is often necessary in X-ray rooms, scanner rooms, and laboratories during certain periods of the day when doctors and other staff are conducting tests. Blackout glass gives hospital staff the option to achieve near total darkness at the flick of a switch when such rooms are in use, before returning the rooms to normal lighting conditions effortlessly.

Blackout glass has a number of uses in the design of skyscrapers. Two of these key uses are heat management for the building and privacy.

Heat management

Skyscrapers can be designed using switchable glass windows, in particular, solar-tinted blackout glass, to better manage heat. By switching the glass to solar-tinted mode, the inside of the skyscraper is protected from harmful UV rays and most of the sun's heat, which reduces the need for expensive air conditioning units.

Additionally, during colder months the daylight can be maximized, providing adequate heat and reducing the reliance on electric heating systems, which is often a large expense in tall buildings.

Privacy With A View

A large part of the attractiveness of skyscrapers for businesses and residential purposes is the magnificent views they often provide of surrounding landscapes.

But there is also a need for protecting the privacy of the building's occupants, which often necessitates the installation of blinds or curtains that detract from the view. Using solar-tinted blackout glass, users can get the privacy they need without compromising on the amazing views that skyscrapers offer.

Switchable smart glass in the form of blackout glass can be used as a sliding room partition to give interior business spaces a modern and sophisticated look, which is perfect for conference rooms and other important business locations.

An additional use of blackout glass within business settings is when it's used as a replacement for traditional concrete walls, especially within conference rooms. Using blackout glass, businesses can create a high-definition projection screen when they switch the glass to opaque mode.

Companies can transform the traditional conference room into a stunning high-end room with superb presentation capabilities. Privacy is also always available at the flick of a switch with switchable glass panels.

Switchable smart glass solutions such as blackout glass provide the elusive and desirable combination of a modern, stunning interior aesthetic with on-demand privacy.

For luxury bedrooms and hotels, designers can install blackout glass to function as windows, so that end users get instant privacy when they need it while also having the option to maintain their view of the outside world.

Additionally, blackout glass can be used as partitions between the en suite bathroom and bedroom, providing the requisite privacy without needing to install bulky and unsightly walls.

The unique blackout effect offered by blackout glass also improves people's sleeping experiences. By completely blocking out lights from streets or other buildings at night time, the body releases more melatonin, which is a hormone that helps people sleep better.

Blackout class possesses unique characteristics that make it the ideal switchable glass technology for home cinema rooms. Blackout glass has a dual purpose in home cinemas, being able to function both as the screen used to display motion pictures and the walls of the room for blocking out light.

An important aspect of any room used as a home cinema is that light shouldn't be able to enter the room. Blackout glass provides an on-demand blackout effect that achieves the goal of blocking out any light. Furthermore, the switchable glass is also ideal for use as a surface for projecting movies onto.

As part of growing trend towards the increased use of switchable smart glass in building design, blackout glass is a unique type of electric glass that has multiple applications, including in hospitals to improve patient privacy and the functionality of certain rooms, skyscraper design, conference rooms, hotels and luxury bedrooms and home cinemas.

Operating Theaters X-ray Rooms and Laboratories Heat management Privacy With A View