Electrochromic Materials Used To Make Smart Glass In Airplane Windows Could Have Widespread Uses


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Dec 12, 2023

Electrochromic Materials Used To Make Smart Glass In Airplane Windows Could Have Widespread Uses

Last month, my boyfriend and I flew over to the United States for a few weeks’

Last month, my boyfriend and I flew over to the United States for a few weeks’ holiday and a conference. As we are both scientists, there was no way that we were going to be flying anything more than economy, but thankfully we were flying with Virgin Atlantic, whose level of "basic" is similar to UK supermarket Waitrose's level of "essential"(because it is a basic human right to be able to access mini rosemary and sea salt focaccia, darling!), so we knew we would be more than comfortable on the long flight from London Heathrow to New York's JFK airport.

When we reached our seats however, I was surprised to find that there was no window blind, and presumed that this was a money-saving measure. We had been to our friends’ wedding in Edinburgh the night before, and had caught the first flight back down to London to fly out to NYC, so we were hoping to catch up on a bit of sleep from the night before. No blinds meant that we would have beautiful sunshine streaming through our window – something we often crave on the ground in London, but not on a bleary eyed long-distance flight after a couple of hours’ sleep!

It was then that Karl pressed a little button just below the window. A moment later, the window became dark. I squealed with delight! Not just because I knew that we might get a little nap after all, but because Materials Science was at play again. The windows were electrochromic! We were on a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner! Suddenly any sleep deprivation that I was feeling dissipated, and was replaced by a sudden urge to "science" the windows.

The electrochromic windows of the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (Photo by VCG/VCG via Getty Images)

Electrochromism is the reversible color-changing reaction of a material when an electrical charge is briefly applied to it. This group of materials is being used extensively in swish settings like those cool glass bathroom walls you sometimes see in very contemporary hotels that you think are going to do little to hide your modesty from your poor roommate, but at the touch of a button go from clear to frosted – which is rather handy for all concerned, really. This is one application of so called Smart Glass; glass that is as strong and transparent as a regular pane of glass, but with the added benefit of being able to change color or opacity at the touch of a button.

On the Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, this is put to good use, replacing the clunky window blinds, and with it the very binary ‘sun and view / no sun and no view’ options that they offer. Instead, if your slightly photosensitive boyfriend wants to look at London from above, but doesn't fancy the headache that goes with it, that's OK! Press the button a couple of times and slightly tint the window to reduce the strongest of the glare while keeping it transparent enough to observe this fine city through. Fancy a nap? Go all out and darken that window right out. Want to bask in sunshine over the Atlantic Ocean while your photosensitive boyfriend snoozes? A few taps of the button and it behaves just like normal glass again.

The benefit of using electrochromic technology is that an electrical charge only needs to be applied briefly, much like in an eReader display. One the chemical reaction has taken place, the charge can be removed, and so technology like this is very energy efficient. Furthermore, electrochromic technology like this could be used in regular windows on all new buildings. On a sunny day, they can block out the light and reflect a high proportion of heat, reducing air conditioning bills, and they could even be teamed up with other technology such as self-cleaning properties and photovoltaic materials to make Smart Glasses even smarter, reducing cleaning costs and generating electricity in the process.

It just goes to show that while we quite literally almost never notice glass, we should appreciate it more than we do, as it could be a real game-changer in our quest for greater energy efficiency and sustainability in the future, while also thrilling you more than the in-flight movies for almost all of your long haul flight. That is, of course, until the mood lighting kicks in.