How Can CCTV Cameras Be Hacked?


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How Can CCTV Cameras Be Hacked?

Updated: Jun 7, 2023 Closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance is

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance is one of many investments that more businesses are prioritizing when protecting their facilities. While it can prove invaluable at securing your premises and preventing unwanted intrusion or trespassing, one—often invisible—threat can hoodwink even the most experienced operatives in the game. It's ironic considering video surveillance is meant to prevent unwanted access.

While considerable advances have been made in the world of digital transformation, highly sophisticated technology like CCTV camera equipment is worryingly vulnerable to hacks. Cybercriminals and malicious actors have found new techniques to surpass strict security protocols and gain remote access to a business's video surveillance systems.

As these systems often keep a proverbial "watchful eye" on valuable assets or entry and exit points of businesses, it's crucial to ensure that these modern and innovative camera systems don't present themselves as easy bait for cybercriminals.

While some malicious actors may use a simple exploitation method, many of their tactics are intricate and complex, making it increasingly hard for cybersecurity professionals to detect, much less contain. Once a surveillance network is compromised, a hacker can monitor your estate or take control of it. Many organizations are concerningly behind when it comes to safeguarding their camera equipment, wrongly believing that this technology is inherently fool-proof and cannot possibly fall into the wrong hands. Sadly, the opposite is very much true.

Let's look at some of the common vulnerabilities that exist within a business's CCTV camera setup, and how you can mitigate these risks with increased security.

Remote Hacks

If an IoT (Internet of Things) camera transmits video feeds via the internet, hackers may find their way into the system through the online IP address after obtaining the signature information and default password, which many businesses do not change (more on this later) and which are often not supported by two-factor authentication (TFA).

Local Hacks

CCTV cameras are often hooked into a network wireless router with a built-in modem, and organizations do not always update the default network name and password. If a hacker cannot gain access to the cameras themselves, they can access the network and weave their way into the cameras that are connected to it. They will often spoof the wireless network into thinking they are registering an authentic device, or try and overload the network by denial-of-service.

Backdoor Attacks

Backdoors provide unauthorized access to a computer system or encrypted data that bypasses the infrastructure's primary security controls. Backdoors may often be created for the purposes of legitimate troubleshooting or remote access in the event of a fault. However, threat actors can locate these backdoors, often as a result of unpatched or outdated security software, firewalls, and firmware. Hackers can usually spot these vulnerabilities with ease.

Brute Force

These types of attacks occur when hackers try to guess an administrator's login credentials manually, often with the assistance of algorithms that can make numerous guesses within seconds. Whether the username is used alongside passwords or PIN combinations, many organizations fail to adopt a strong password policy for all of their users’ shared equipment, meaning that default passwords like "1234," "password," "0000," or "administrator" are very easy to exploit.

Maintaining optimum security across your organization is not an easy feat to master, and remaining constantly vigilant is also challenging. However, by bolstering vital security components like passwords, user access, and software, you are already making a big difference to your overall security posture.

Prioritizing security will pay off in a big way, and you will ultimately be less likely to suffer a devastating breach that affects your reputation and bottom line. You’ll get complete peace of mind knowing that your CCTV cameras are as secure as possible and protected against the evolving and growing numbers of complex cyberattacks.

Chester Avey has over a decade of experience in business growth management and cybersecurity. He enjoys sharing his knowledge with other like-minded professionals through his writing. You can connect with Chester by following him on Twitter @ChesterAvey

To learn more about facility security, make sure to sign up for Facilities Management Advisor's FM NOW: Secure Buildings virtual summit on June 20th! Details and FREE registration are available here.

Updated: Jun 7, 2023 Remote Hacks Local Hacks Backdoor Attacks Brute Force Invest in 24/7 managed detection for your estate(s): Set up multi-factor authentication (MFA): Secure your networks: Install enterprise-grade security equipment (and update it): Implement a complex password policy and change defaults: Patch and update your firmware: To learn more about facility security, make sure to sign up for Facilities Management Advisor's FM NOW: Secure Buildings virtual summit on June 20th! Details and FREE registration are available here.