Motorists Rush for Electronic Car Tint That Changes Colour


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Jun 08, 2023

Motorists Rush for Electronic Car Tint That Changes Colour

Kenyan motorists are fast embracing a tinting technology that provides

Kenyan motorists are fast embracing a tinting technology that provides much-needed safety from weather elements and roaming intruders' eyes.

Motorists can now enjoy electronically enabled tints that can change colours and provide a night ambience.

A smart electronic car tint is a type of window tint that can be switched between clear and opaque at the touch of a button.

"Smart electronic car tint is a relatively new product thus more expensive than the traditional one. However, the cost of the tint may be offset by the savings on energy and the increased security of your car," Dago Okoth, a Mechanic in Nairobi, told

It uses Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) film, which contains tiny crystals that align to block or allow light when an electric current is applied.

Polymer-dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) technology makes smart electronic car tint switch between a transparent and opaque state by applying an electric field.

They are made by dispersing tiny liquid crystal droplets in a polymer matrix. When no electric field is applied, the liquid crystal droplets are randomly oriented, which scatters light and makes the film appear opaque.

"If you are considering getting smart electronic car tint, there are a few things you should keep in mind, including the fact that the tint will need to be professionally installed," Okoth explained.

When an electric field is applied, the liquid crystal droplets align themselves, which allows light to pass through and makes the film appear transparent.

Smart electronic car tints also help cool your car during a hot sunny day by blocking heat from the sun.

UV protection coating is added to filter or block harmful UltraViolet Radiation, emitted by the sun, from coming into contact with the car interior.

Smart electronic car tint can also derail thieves from breaking into the car.

"Its stylish appearance creates a versatile product that can offer a number of benefits for car owners. If you are looking for a way to add privacy, security, and comfort to your car, smart electronic car tint may be a good option for you," Okoth noted.
